Well, this is it.
A pep rally on a side street
Last minute scores to settle
This is serious business...
We're goin' to Nome -- it's a long way. You people have no idea...
There are white dogs
... and black dogs
... and tan
Blue eyes
... and brown
Regal dogs
... and dogs that are just plain adorable
This is Jeff King, a four time winner and runner-up last year
... and Mitch Seavey, a past winner and last year's winner of the All Alaska Sweepstakes
... and guess who this is?
... and here is Larry, Lance Mackey's main leader
My bona fides -- notice the Lance Mackey autograph on my arm band.
When I was checking the current status of the race yesterday at Gulliver's, a guy asked me who was ahead. I told him and asked if he followed the race very closely. He said "no, it is not really a spectator sport, you know. You can only see them at the Start in Anchorage -- and even in Nome they dribble in with hours to days in between. Is Lance Mackey in the top ten?" Oh, yeah, I answered. "Oh, yeah" he quipped.
Lance is currently in the lead and was first to the Yukon -- he got the Millenium 7-course meal and cash award. Go Lance!
I am so excited for you! Sounds like things are going great. Lance was in the lead to Yukon because he knew the Millenium dinner included at least one course were there would be awesome warm mashed Yukon potatoes awaiting his arrival!